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A letter written by Tamizshelvam

ThamizshelvamDear Stephanie,

I have a good news. I have been selected for AcSir (Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research) Abdul Kalam Summer Training Program 2016. It is one of the training programs conducted by the government of India for 3rd year engineering students. Only 20 students are selected for the summer program, while nearly 5000 students from all over India apply. Based on the academic performances and the student’s knowledge they selected 114 students out of 5000. I was one of them. We were called for an interview in New Delhi for the final selection of 20 students for the summer program.

I attended the interview on April 3rd and I was selected! I am so very happy! I need to travel to the CSIR-IICB Research Institute, which is in Kolkata. This is a very famous research institute in India. Dr. P. Jaisankar is going to be our mentor for the duration of this training. I am so happy because Dr. P. Jaisankar  is one of the leading scientist at that research institute. I will be staying there for two months.

I am the only student from the state of Tamil Nadu to be selected for this program. This makes me very proud.

Yours sincerely


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